Program Admissions Process
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences offers a range of programs that provide advanced training in biomedical sciences and prepare students to become leaders in the academic sector, the biotechnology industry or in other areas related to biomedical research.
Learn more about each program’s selection criteria, application review, interviews, and admissions decisions.

Opportunities for Undergraduates & Recent Graduates
Building Diversity in Biomedical Sciences (BDBS) in open to US citizens and US permanent residents who have completed one year of college, but who will not graduate before the program begins.
Pathway to the PhD (P2P) is a 3-week mentored, hands-on, research-intensive experience for juniors and sophomores that runs during the January break for UMass Boston undergraduates interested in careers in biomedical research.
The Postbaccalaureate Internship (PREP) is a one-year mentored research experience designed to prepare individuals for MD/PhD or PhD study. Applicants must be US citizens or US permanent residents and have recently completed their bachelor's degree.
Tufts IRACDA for Postdoctoral Scholars
Tufts IRACDA provides postdoctoral scholars with the additional skills needed for careers at research-intensive universities as well as schools with greater emphasis on teaching. IRACDA scholars spend 75% of their time in research, with the remaining time devoted to teaching and career development activities.

Non-Degree Course Work
Individuals who are interested in taking a class without being enrolled in a degree program may take certain courses as a non-degree student. GSBS has a selection of courses available each term; some courses may even be transferrable into a future degree program at our school or elsewhere (conditions apply).
Prospective students complete a simple registration process through a single, university-wide online platform.