Molecular Microbiology Admissions

student working in the lab

Students seeking admission to the Molecular Microbiology Graduate Program apply to the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

The application is completed online on the GSBS Application Portal.

Information about application deadlines and the application process can be found in the Admissions section of this website.

Selection Criteria

Our goal is to recruit highly motivated students who have a deep interest in microbiological research, show evidence of facility with experimentation, are collegial and communicative, and whose ambition is to excel in research and/or teaching as a career.

Candidates for admission to the Graduate Program in Molecular Microbiology are recommended to have prior training in genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, organic chemistry, physics, and calculus. A basic course in microbiology is also desirable. Acceptance is determined by the applicant's prospects of success, as demonstrated by academic transcripts and references. 

Prospective applicants are evaluated based on prior grades, three letters of recommendation, and responses to the short essays that are part of the application. Prior research experience is strongly valued but is not required.

The essay prompts for our program are:

  • Academic Statement of Purpose (750 words maximum): tell us about your development as a scientist, your research experience, your vision for your professional trajectory, and why this particular program, in this particular location, is the right step for you now.
  • Personal Statement (750 works maximum): Anything that can give reviewers a sense of you as a person, and your promise as a member of the Tufts community, belongs here.
  • More Information (Optional, 250 words maximum): Our students have many different backgrounds, experiences, identities, interests, and talents that meaningfully inspired them to pursue a career in science. What inspired you?

The Molecular Microbiology program is committed to diversity and encourages applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences that will enrich the mix of students on our campus. These include individuals from racial and ethnic groups, persons who come from an economically disadvantaged background or have disabilities that have been determined by NIH to be under-represented in biomedical sciences. At any point during the admissions process, applicants may request information about student services, including counseling and tutoring and other academic support.

Tracks within our Program

Our program is supported by an NIH T32 training grant focused on microbial pathogenesis and a second NIH T32 training grant focusing on microbial genetics.

An applicant who is interested in the MERGE-ID track in the Molecular Microbiology Program must select this track when they apply to be considered for admission to the MERGE-ID Program.

Students being considered for admission will be invited to visit the Program for interviews with faculty members and interactions with current students.