Applying to Tufts IRACDA

trainee working in the lab

Citizenship and Prior Postdoctoral Experience Requirements

Applicants must be American citizens or permanent residents and have no more than two years of postdoctoral experience at the time of their appointment to the program.


Applications are due for the coming year by February 1; the program begins in September. 

The NIH and Tufts IRACDA encourage applications from those under-represented in biomedical research as defined by the NIH. Currently, these include, but are not limited to, African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, people with disabilities and members of groups that are economically or socially disadvantaged.

Choosing a Mentor

We strongly encourage you to identify a research mentor prior to the application process. The Program Directors are glad to work with you to select someone appropriate for your research interests. Mentors need to be tenured or tenure-track faculty and can come from any department at Tufts as long as the research addresses a relevant biomedical question.

We have included links to appropriate departments and schools at Tufts on our Research Training and Mentors page. Please take a look at the faculty and their research in these participating schools and departments to help you narrow down your search. Please remember you are very welcome to to contact the program directors to help identify an appropriate mentor. Candidates may also apply to Tufts IRACDA without having designated a mentor, but these applications will be reviewed only if a mentor has been finalized before our Review Committee meeting, which is typically at the end of February.

Our scholars and alumni would also be glad to answer your questions about the program. You can find our current scholars, their research areas and contact information here and our alumni here.

Important criteria used in the scholar selection process include:

  • Commitment to the goals of the program
  • Strong academic and research credentials
  • Interest in teaching, mentoring and active citizenship
  • The research and training experience of the research mentor

Contact the IRACDA program if you have additional questions.

How to Apply

Application is via the online application portal. Visit this site for begin your application.

 Online Application Portal