2023-2024 Academic Year
- Student/faculty ratio: 1:1
- Percentage of PhD students receiving a stipend: 98
- Percentage of PhD students receiving tuition funding: 98
- Number of Full-time Faculty: 206
Applications & New Students
- Individual PhD applications: 670
- Individual MD/PhD applications: 376
- Individual MS applications: 33
- New students: 59
Enrollment Statistics
- Total GSBS enrollment: 204
- Age range of students: 22 to 59
- Percentage of female students: 70
- Number of states and US territories represented by students: 15
- Percentage of international (non US citizen) students: 21
- Number of home nations represented by students: 27
- Mean undergraduate GPA for the entering class: 3.47
Number of degree and certificate students per program
- Clinical & Translational Science: 34
- Genetics, Molecular & Cellular Biology: 46
- Immunology: 25
- Molecular Microbiology: 34
- Neuroscience: 33
- Pharmacology & Drug Development: 13
- MD/PhD Program: 36
Degrees conferred and certificates awarded, through August 2023
- PhD degrees: 993
- MS degrees: 339
- Certificates: 45