CTS Admissions

Students seeking admission to any Clinical & Translational Science (CTS) Graduate Program apply to the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences using the online GSBS Application Portal

Additional information about the application process can be found in the Admissions section of this website.

Applying to the PhD, MS, and CTS Certificate Programs

Application & Decisions Timeline

Application OpensSeptember 15
Application Closes

December 1 (early notification*) 
April 1 (regular deadline for students who require a visa)
May 1 (regular deadline for student who do not require a visa)

*Through the Early Notification process, the CTS Admissions Committee may decide to make an offer of admission or to deny admission, or may defer the application for further review with Regular Deadline applicants. The Committee uses the same criteria to evaluate applicants who meet the Early and Regular deadlines. The benefit of applying early is simply the possibility to receive an earlier admissions decision. Additionally, if the Committee defers making a final decision, the application will receive a second round of review with the Regular Deadline applications. Early Notification is not binding and Early Notification applicants may apply to other graduate programs. Early Notification applicants who are denied admission will not be eligible to reapply for the other deadlines of the same year.

Interviews Take PlaceJanuary-May
Decisions ReleasedJanuary-May
Classes StartJuly

  • The PhD, MS, and certificate program are intended for individuals trained in the medical sciences, most commonly fully-trained physicians. Others with similar training are also considered: doctoral degrees in veterinary medicine, dental medicine, or pharmacy; predoctoral students enrolled in medical school (including MD/PhD candidates) or other PhD programs; and students with prior master’s degrees in epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical research, and related fields.

    The CTS application is open to US citizens, permanent US residents and international applicants.

    • Online application
    • Application fee
    • Personal Statements (see prompts below)
    • Three letters of recommendation
    • CV/Resume
    • Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
    • GRE scores*
    • English language proficiency if required

    *The GRE is optional for all applicants. The GRE is strongly encouraged for students who have not demonstrated quantitative excellence in other areas of their application (e.g., high grades in college- or graduate-level math courses, proficiency in statistical software). For those opting not to take the GRE, please provide a bulleted list of where quantitative excellence is demonstrated in your application (e.g., math course numbers).

    Learn more about Application Requirements

  • The prior experience and educational background presented in the application play an important role in identifying candidates for our programs. Responses to the two essays that are part of the application are also important.

    The essay prompts for the MS, PhD and CTS Certificate are:

    • Essay 1: Please upload a one to three page personal statement describing your interest in the Clinical and Translational Science program, and why you are interested in attending the Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.
    • Essay 2: Please respond to one of the following two prompts (no minimum nor maximum words/pages requirement). Make sure to indicate at the top of the page of your submitted document as to which prompt you chose.
  • The CTS Admissions Committee conducts virtual interviews. Typically, three faculty members interview each candidate. Candidates are not required to reach out to faculty prior to applying.

Applying to the HEOR Certificate Program

Application & Decisions Timeline

Application OpensSeptember 15
Application ClosesAugust 1
Decisions ReleasedJanuary-August
Classes StartSeptember

  • Applicants for the HEOR Certificate Program should hold at least a bachelor’s degree. Professionals in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry (including departments such as HEOR, market access, commercial, and development), clinicians and other health care professionals, graduate degree holders, and graduate degree students are encouraged to apply. Applicants for the HEOR Certificate program are not interviewed as part of the admissions process.

    • Online application
    • Application fee
    • Personal Statement (see prompt below)
    • One letter of recommendation
    • CV/Resume
    • Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
    • English language proficiency if required
  • As part of the application process, applicants are asked to upload a personal statement of no more than one page describing your background and why you are interested in the Health Economics and Outcomes Research program.