Message from Your GSC - March 1, 2021 Summer is coming and so are the GSBS Relays. Academic points can be submitted now!
GSBS is Pleased to Announce the Jonathan J. Schimmel, PhD Fellowship Jonathan Schimmel, a 2000 graduate of GSBS, seeks to inspire a new generation of entrepreneurial leaders in biomedical science.
GSBS Congratulates David Kaplan - Elected to the National Academy of Engineering David Kaplan, the Stern Family Professor of Engineering, a Distinguished Professor, and chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and a member of the GSBS CMDB Program has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering.
Dean's Message - February 22, 2021 Progress is being made at GSBS and Tufts to insure that we are an anti-racist institution. Learn about what is being done.
Alcaide Lab Links Inflammation & Heart Disease GSBS grad Jay Ngwenyama probes mechanisms of heart damage.
Dean's Message - January 11, 2021 A warm welcome to our new students from Dean Jay. Enjoy your time at GSBS!
PREP Alums Reflect on their Experiences PREP is accepting applications for 2021! Learn about the experiences of our alums.
Gaglia Lab Studies SARS-CoV-2 Probing the way SARS-CoV-2 invades cells and evades the immune response.
PREP Alum and Colleagues Publish on Ways to Promote Inclusion GSBS is proud of PREP alum Faith Karanja for her achievements and for her work on promoting inclusion.