Message from Your GSC - February 28, 2022
Dear GSBS,
We hope everyone enjoyed the snow this past weekend!
We would like to thank students who attended our open GSC meeting back in January and shared concerns/suggestions for improvements of the GSBS student experience. We put together a survey (linked below) for all GSBS students to fill out to have a space to anonymously bring up any student concerns. We hope to use this survey to draft a letter to the Tufts administration to summarize student concerns and make requests to improve our experience as students.
Additionally, please see details below for an essay contest organized by the Dean’s Office of Tufts Graduate School of Arts & Sciences that is open to all students:
Tufts Global Month Graduate Student Essay Contest:
Bringing a Global Perspective on Climate Change to Your Future Career
Prompt: Describe the global perspective on climate change that you will represent or advocate for in your future academic or professional career in a personal essay or piece of creative writing of 1,000 words or less.
First place will be awarded $200; two honorable mentions will be awarded $50 each (all prizes will be Visa gift cards). Essays will be judged blindly by a panel of students and faculty. All participating students are invited to a coffee and cookies celebration event on March 31, 4-5:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room in Curtis Hall. Please submit your essay on Qualtrics by March 15 with your name on the top of the first page only. Contact with any questions.
Thank you in advance for filling out the survey and we hope you are all having a great semester thus far!
GSC Exec Board