MS in Biomedical Research

Choose your discipline and prepare for a career in biotech or PhD training

Apply to MBR

Choose your discipline and prepare for a career in biotech or PhD training

Apply to MBR

The MS in Biomedical Research (MBR) is a two-year, research-intensive program leading to completion of a Master's thesis. The program provides students with significant research experience and fundamental biomedical science knowledge that will prepare them for a career in academia or the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry or for further study at the PhD level. Students can choose to pursue their MS degree in one of four disciplines: Genetics, Molecular & Cellular Biology; Immunology; Molecular Microbiology; or Neuroscience.

Key Program Features

  • Rigorous graduate coursework that prepares students to enter competitive PhD programs or the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry
  • Independent research experience while working on a Master's thesis 
  • Individualized academic advising and mentoring including advice on applying to PhD programs
  • Career guidance tailored to each student's interests and career goals 
  • Ability to train in one of four broad biomedical disciplines

Explore our Disciplines

student working at the hood

Training Opportunities

Students in the MS in Biomedical Research program will train alongside PhD students enrolled one of the four GSBS PhD programs. In this way, our MS students have access to the wide array of research laboratories available across GSBS. Students can explore molecular and cellular immunology, host defense to microbial disease, fundamental and applied genetics, cell and molecular biology and neuroscience as well as mechanisms of microbial disease.

Over 100 highly experienced faculty with dynamic research programs are available to our students. Laboratories are located on the Boston Health Science campus that is home to GSBS, Tufts School of Medicine, the USDA Human Nutrition Research Institute on Aging, The Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy, Tufts Medical Center, and Tufts School of Dental Medicine. Some laboratories are located on the Tufts Medford campus, which is home to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering.   


students discussing research

Our program welcomes applications from US citizens, permanent residents, and international students.  

Learn more about the admissions process.


student studying

Our curriculum combines foundational and advanced courses with rigorous research training in a laboratory of the student's choice. 

Learn more about our curriculum.

Tuition & Financing

student working in the lab

Learn more about financing your education in the MS in Biomedical Research.

Visit the Basic Science MS Programs Finances Page.

Contact Information

Peter Juo
Program Director

Jaharis 701D