Research/Areas of Interest
B-1 B cells are an innate-like immune cell population that are critical arbiters of homeostasis by responding to pathogens, attenuating inflammation, and remodeling tissue architecture in response to foreign antigens. The phenotype, repertoire, and function of B-1 B cells in disease states have been elucidated using the biggest reservoir of self-renewing B-1 B cells - the peritoneal cavity. However, self-renewing B-1 B cell populations have been identified in other tissues during disease states, though their role remain unknown. However, whether B-1 B cells are found in tissues during immune-homeostasis and can be considered a tissue-resident cell type is an open question. We hypothesize that self-renewing, B-1 B cell populations are critical tissue-resident immune cells and perform important functions that maintain and restore tissue homeostasis. My project aims to identify and characterize B-1 B cells in the peritoneal cavity and lung to define their role as tissue-resident immune cells and illuminate organ-specific functions that maintain tissue-homeostasis.