nicole knobloch

Nicole Knobloch

nicole knobloch

Research/Areas of Interest

My research interests are in the combined application of spatio-temporal analysis, viral genetic sequencing and phylogenetic tree analysis, combined with environmental factors and known / predicted changes in animal migration patterns due to climate change, to understand transmission patterns and directions through species, strains and geographies. This research forms the basis for more inquiry into reassortment patterns, naïve populations or species with otherwise more susceptibility, and finding opportunities for prediction of outbreaks and spread. I am also interested in avian to mammal and mammal to mammal transmission, host tropism, and particular mammal species’ physiological or immunological susceptibility to severe infection.


BM, Flute Performance, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT
MS, Conservation Medicine, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, Grafton, MA