Research/Areas of Interest

The intestinal parasite Cryptosporidium is a major cause of diarrheal disease worldwide, particularly in immunocompromised hosts such as untreated patients with HIV/AIDS and malnourished children in resource-limited settings. Our research is focused on: 1) understanding the pathogenesis of human Cryptosporidium infection using novel bioengineered 3D intestinal tissue models; 2) the molecular basis of Cryptosporidium-host cell interactions, seeking to investigate proteins which mediate these interactions and enzymes that post-translationally modify them; 3) immune responses to Cryptosporidium in children in resource-limited settings where cryptosporidiosis is endemic. 4) the intestinal microbiome in infectious diarrheal disease including childhood cryptosporidiosis and malnutrition.


  • MBBS, Madras University, Christian Medical College, India, 1976