Message from Your GSC - September 5, 2023

Welcome to the Fall Semester
BRPH Entrance

Dear GSBS Community,

Last week we said a sudden goodbye to a wonderful member of the Boston Campus, Dr. Andrew Bohm. Dr. Bohm was one of a few faculty who interacted with nearly all students in GSBS through his Biochemistry course. In this role, he shared his kindness, generosity, and passion for science in a way that was memorable for every student who met him. We are extremely saddened by this loss, but in mourning together, we hope to find the strength to grow closer as a community and honor his time at Tufts by embodying all that he was as a professor, mentor, and friend.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new GSBS students that begin this week. We are excited to have you join our community and look forward to getting to know you in the upcoming weeks. The GOODS is a great place to check in on what is currently happening at Tufts GSBS. As the Graduate Student Council, we are grateful to be able to reach out to you all through this platform to ‘stay in the know’ about our upcoming events on campus. Another way to stay up to date with GSC activities is through our recently reactivated social media @TuftsBostonGSC.

All students are invited to the GSBS Welcome Event today in Jaharis Courtyard from 3:30 - 5 PM to welcome our incoming students to our community and save the date for our Welcome Back Barbeque and Club Fair, happening on 9/20 from 4 - 6 PM in Jaharis Courtyard.

As always, feel free to contact your 2023-2024 GSC representatives (listed below) if you have any student-related questions or concerns about GSBS!

  • GMCB: Sammy Moores & Bec Condruti
  • Immunology: Kimberly Carroll & Jennifer Judge
  • Neuroscience: Molly Brady & Panorea Tirja
  • Microbiology: Andrea Rebolledo Viveros & Ariana Calderon-Zavala
  • MD/PhD: Nicole Wolter & Zach Robbe
  • PDD: Yulia Dikusar & Peiyun Sang JAX: Madison Armstrong Best of luck to all of you in the upcoming semester!


GSC Executive Council
Sammy Moores (President), Kimberly Carroll (Vice President) & Molly Brady (Treasurer)