Message from Your GSC - September 19, 2022

A warm welcome to everyone from your GSC. Remember to come to our upcoming Welcome Back Barbecue and Student Club Fair on September 29!
BRPH Entrance

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to the start of another school year! We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new incoming students and hope you have had a good time settling down, exploring the city, and enjoying the great weather we have had for the past few days! To welcome everyone back to the start of the new academic year, the GSC will be hosting a “Welcome Back Barbecue and Student Club Fair” event in the Jaharis Courtyard on the 29th of September from 4:00-6:00 PM. This is an opportunity for incoming and existing students to unwind, enjoy some great food, drinks, and learn about the exciting clubs we have in the school! I urge you all to attend and get together as a community to kick off an exciting year ahead!

Please feel free to reach out to me or any of your department GSC representatives if you have any questions, concerns or urgent matters that you would like to discuss. Enjoy the rest of the week and we will see you at the welcome back event next week!

Your friendly GSC execs, 

Sid, Maya and Theresa!