Message from Your GSC - May 8, 2023

As we approach the end of the semester, GSC has several exciting events coming up! First, a quick shoutout to everyone who attended the dinner and New England Conservatory concert last week! After feasting on fried rice, noodles, and sushi, we immersed ourselves in chamber music featuring both classic and modern compositions. On Tuesday, May 30th from 6:45-9:15pm, GSC will be organizing a trivia night at Kings in the Seaport complete with food and drinks. Then, on Wednesday, June 7th from 7-9pm, we will be setting sail on a boat cruise around the Boston Harbor. A link to RSVP for the boat trip is below; sign-ups for Trivia Night will begin shortly, so keep an eye on your email! We hope to see many of you there! Finally, the date for Relays is set for Friday, July 21st, so mark your calendars! As always, please contact us or your program's GSC representatives with any suggestions, questions, or concerns.
Have a terrific week!
Your GSC Execs - Sid, Maya, and Theresa