Message from Your GSC - March 21, 2022
Happy Monday Everyone,
It looks like spring is just around the corner! We want to remind everyone that GSC has put together a student survey for all GSBS students to share their experience at Tufts. This is an anonymous survey for all students to bring up any concerns. Even if you don’t have any concerns then it is important that we hear from you as well. The more students we hear from the better! We hope to use this survey to draft a letter to the Tufts administration to summarize student concerns and make requests to improve our experience as students. The survey will close March 30th, so please fill it out as soon as possible.
Additionally, as the weather improves be on the look out for more GSC sponsored social activities! Our next event will be the Frida Kahlo Immersive Experience on April 8th at 6pm.
Register for the Frida Kahlo event.
GSC Exec Board