Message from Your GSC - June 28, 2021

The Relays are coming and will be in person this year!
BRPH Entrance

Hello GSBS!

We hope everyone is having a great start to their summer! RELAYS ARE HAPPENING IN PERSON!! Tufts GSBS Relays will be held July 30th (8/6 rain date) at the Bello and Ounjian Fields (Medford campus)!! We are very excited that we will be able to host Relays in-person this year!

For those who have not been able to partake before, Relays is a mini-Olympics between the different GSBS programs. There is both the academic portion, which is still on-going and the sporting events, which will be similar to past years, such as volleyball, dodgeball, tug of war and track events.

Tickets for the event are on sale here! Make sure to check in with your program's GSC representative before purchasing. Raffle tickets, sunglasses, and water bottles will be on sale shortly, so be on the lookout for an email with that information. The money from the merchandise and tickets helps support the events, as well as food and drink. Left over funds go to the Student Enrichment Fund.

In the meantime, submit your academic points! Use the link below to submit your achievements:

Submit your points

Let the games begin,