Message from Your GSC - June 17, 2024

Dear GSBS Community,
Summer is here which means GSC Relays is right around the corner! We will be meeting on Field F on the Tufts Campus in Somerville on July 19th (rain date July 26th), ready with games, food and friendly competition. Please use the following links to submit your academic points and check in on the leaderboard if you have yet to do so:
For those attending the GSC sponsored Boat Cruise next week, please arrive at Rowes Wharf on Tuesday, June 25th at 5:30PM! The boat will depart at 6:00PM and cruise around the harbor for two hours. We hope you enjoy the burrito bar, churros, drinks and time with friends and coworkers!
We are excited to start welcoming the first wave of new students in the MERGE program in July, so please say hello if you see a new face on campus. Finally, congratulations again to all students that have recently defended their theses in the past few weeks and best of luck in your future endeavors.
-GSC Executive Committee
Sammy Moores, Kimberly Carroll & Molly Brady