Message from Your GSC - January 18, 2022

The GSC is thankful for your ideas and feedback. Keep up to date with upcoming GSC events, all of which will follow COVID guidelines.
BRPH Entrance

Dear GSBS,

We would like to thank all students that shared their thoughts, ideas, and concerns at the last GSC meeting. We want you to know that we are compiling student concerns and ideas for improvement of the student experience at Tufts. We will share a document when it is drafted and approved by GSC. Additionally, we are looking to gather thoughts and experiences from more students so be on the lookout for a student experience survey!

Next GSC Meeting will be Feb 9th. If you are the leader of a GSBS club, activity or organization and would like more funding to put on events this semester please submit your proposals to Andy Day ( by Feb 7th. GSC is also planning activities that will follow COVID-19 safety guidelines. If you have any ideas for social or educational events, please reach out to your GSC Reps!


GSC Exec Board