Message from Your GSC - February 26, 2024

Wednesday evening movie night is coming soon!
BRPH Entrance

Hello GSBS Community,

The winter is nearing its end and GSC has been gearing up for a series of spring events in the upcoming months! We hope you have been staying warm and enjoying the past few sunny days in the Boston area.

As graduate students, we know there are few things more appealing than pizza, movies and science. What if we told you we could have them all at once? GSC is excited to debut a movie discussion series over the next three months including films Creation, Natural Obsessions and Copenhagen. This movie series will be on Wednesday evenings from 5-8PM in J508 and is kindly hosted by Henry Wortis and Karl Munger and sponsored by the Dean's office and GSC. Pizza and soft drinks will be available with the film and a discussion will follow. We hope you can join us on February 28th, March 27th and/or April 24th!

Last Monday, February 12th, Dean Chin and Dr. Michael Jordan hosted a Town Hall to address student questions and concerns regarding current healthcare services and insurance. While the current status of these services needs to be improved, we are grateful to hear that GSC’s letter has been received and appreciate the administrator’s quick response and willingness to pursue effective change. If you are interested in becoming involved with improving student health services on campus, please contact Michael Jordan ( Michael expressed how helpful student opinions and experiences will be in finding the best solution and it will be important to have GSBS representation during these discussions.

As always, update your student representatives with any concerns that you have. We routinely discuss these at our monthly GSC meetings.

Stay tuned and keep an eye out for GSC events and updates!


GSC Executive Board  
Sammy Moores, Kimberly Carroll & Molly Brady