Message from Your GSC - August 12, 2024
Dear GSBS Community,
Once again, congratulations to the MD/PhD program on behalf of the rest of the student body on their success at Relays 2024. In addition to being an exciting day for the programs to compete outside in some friendly competition, it was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on all the accomplishments the student body achieved in the past year. The points we submitted for publications, presentations, conferences, and volunteering are a humbling reminder of the strong community that we are a part of, and have the opportunity to contribute to every day in our work.
We would like to thank all of the GSC representatives who are finishing their time in the council and invite you all to thank your program representatives for their service. The GSC executive board of 2023-2024 is grateful for the opportunity to listen and advocate for our student body in our leadership roles. While there are always things that can be improved for students, and not all of our goals were accomplished, the pursuit of change and any impact that we were able to have on the future of GSBS is something that we take pride in. Further and importantly, we are eager to see the future accomplishments of the next GSC Executive Board in the 2024-2025 academic year.
In pure Olympics-inspired sportsmanship, we hand off the torch here, stand back and cheer together. Enjoy the rest of your summers and best of luck in the upcoming school year!
Sammy Moores, Kimberly Carroll & Molly Brady