Message from Your GSC - August 1, 2022

The Graduate Student Council is planning for the fall. Watch for details on the Welcome Back Barbeque.
BRPH Entrance

Hello GSBS!

Thank you so much for making Relays 2022 a grand success! It was great to see everyone enjoying the day and participating in various events. Congratulations to the MD/PhD students for winning Relays 2022!

Maya Gelbard (Vice-President), Theresa Harvey (Treasurer) and I are looking forward to continue building on the efforts of the outgoing GSC executive committee! Thank you Mike, Rebecca and Andy!

We look forward to setting up exciting events for everyone in the upcoming year! The first event will be a “Welcome back barbecue!”. More details will be sent out in an email! We look forward to seeing you all at the barbecue and hope you enjoy the rest of summer! 

Please feel free to reach out to any of us or your GSC reps if you have any questions or concerns!

Your GSC