Jennifer Trowbridge

The ultimate goal of our research is to ameliorate aging-associated defects in the hematopoietic (i.e. blood and immune) system.
jennifer trowbridge

Home Town: Essex, Ontario, Canada

Prior Degrees: 

  • BSc, Genetics, University of Western Ontario
  • PhD, Microbiology & Immunology, University of Western Ontario


What is the ultimate goal of your research?

The ultimate goal of our research is to ameliorate aging-associated defects in the hematopoietic (I.e. blood and immune) system. We have two major questions we are addressing to achieve this goal. One, how and why do aged hematopoietic stem cells lose regenerative capacity and become biased toward producing myeloid cell types? And two, why does aging lead to increased risk of blood cancers developing from hematopoietic stem cells? The ultimate goal of our research is to ameliorate aging-associated defects in the hematopoietic (I.e. blood and immune) system. We have two major questions we are addressing to achieve this goal. One, how and why do aged hematopoietic stem cells lose regenerative capacity and become biased toward producing myeloid cell types? And two, why does aging lead to increased risk of blood cancers developing from hematopoietic stem cells?

What excites you about your research?

I learn something new literally every day. Whether that be from data we’ve generated in the lab, a new paper that I’m reading, a seminar I’m attending, or new ideas based on a conversation with another scientist within or outside of our field. This keeps our research fresh and exciting.

What do you like best about GSBS students?

Their energy, engagement and enthusiasm.

What qualities distinguish GSBS from other graduate schools?

The integration between students and faculty across different programs. I really enjoy participating in and learning about other research going on in different programs across GSBS through student and faculty seminars.

What do you do to relax?

I spend time with my spouse and kids. Once in a while, I squeak out some time to practice the piano, which I love!

What is your favorite local restaurant?

McKays Public House in Bar Harbor. When in Boston, Toro in the South End!