Dean's Message - June 12, 2023
Dear GSBS Community,
As my second to last Dean’s comment, let me praise the outstanding Dean’s Office staff. Many of you may not notice them, but it is their hard and thoughtful work that make GSBS run.
You probably do see Hannah Hanemann and Maya Zakaria; as program coordinators, they organize classes, activities and seminars, ensuring these events run smoothly. If you have attended career workshops, planned events with a student group, or participated in GSBS-wide events such as the Relays, you know the outstanding work of Alex Israel. What you don’t usually see is the behind-the-scenes work by Laura Felch, who has improved our admissions and recruitment processes, and Registrar Craig Keller, who ensures that you are enrolled in courses, that TACs occur regularly, and that everyone is meeting their requirements. All things financial are done by Sara Abbott and Jan Schenden; those of you who have worked on fellowships have them to thank. This great team works together for the benefit of all our students, and they do so with kindness and calm expertise. I owe them a great debt of gratitude and so do you.
You might have noticed that I haven’t included Associate Dean Dan Volchok. He does too much to include in this Dean’s Comment, and my last message will focus on his contributions.
Dan Jay, Dean