PhD Programs

student working in the lab

PhD Programs in the Basic Science Division

GSBS offers six different training opportunities leading to a PhD in a biomedical science discipline. These programs involve hands-on laboratory research.

The basic science programs prepare students for research-focused careers in academic institutions of higher learning or in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

Students can select from a wide-range of faculty who are accessible and experienced in mentoring.

Two of these programs, Mammalian Genetics at JAX and Neuro at JAX provide students with the opportunity to study at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME.

Explore our Basic Science Division PhD Programs

PhD in Clinical & Translational Science

The Clinical & Translational Science program is intended for individuals trained in the medical sciences, most commonly fully-trained physicians or others with similar training. This program focuses on Clinical Discovery and Investigation, Clinical Effectiveness Research, and Practice to Policy Research.

Students typically enter the PhD program following successful completion of course work in the Clinical & Translational Science MS program and passing a PhD qualifying examination. 

Students completing this program are well prepared for an academic research-focused medical career or for a career in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry.

Clinical & Translational Science PhD Program
doctors discussing a patient