Unpublished Neuro Thesis Committees
Neuroscience students select their thesis advisor upon completion of their laboratory rotations at the end of May of the first year.
At the beginning of the second year, all Neuroscience graduate students form a thesis committee to guide the student’s research direction and methodological approach. Thesis committees are initially composed of at least three members of the Neuroscience program faculty, including the thesis mentor. Prior to the student’s defense of dissertation (and typically during the final year of the thesis project), an external examiner with expertise in the student’s thesis area is added to the thesis committee. The external committee member participates in the student’s Defense of Dissertation.
Students meet with the thesis committee at least twice each year, once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. The committee provides feedback using the GSBS Basic Science Division Thesis Advisory Committee Evaluation Form. Note that this form is not intended to contain the actual Thesis Committee Report. See the Program Guide linked below for guidelines on the thesis committee report.
Basic Science Thesis Advisory Committee Evaluation form
Guidelines for Preparing the Thesis Committee Report may be found in the Program Guide