PDD Curriculum

scientific poster


Graduate students in the MS in Pharmacology and Drug Development Program complete required and elective didactic courses and as well as participate in graduate seminars and journal clubs that are designed to provide a strong knowledge base for their research and a deep understanding of pharmacology.

Students complete an MS thesis that may be based on laboratory or library research.


Students conduct two rotations during their first year to learn techniques and sample different areas of research. The rotations also help students choose their thesis advisor and the research topic for the MS thesis.

Optional Summer Internship

In addition to working in the lab on their thesis research, PDD students also have the option to complete an internship for academic credit at an external company site during the summer period between their first and second year. 

This experiential learning opportunity offers training in research and analytical tools and assays offered at a company site. The project and the industry site must be approved by the thesis mentor and the PDD program faculty and enhance the skills needed to complete the student’s thesis research. 

Companies that employ pharmacologists, medicinal chemists, research scientists, and regulatory experts in drug discovery and development, as well as those that offer research opportunities to our students that enhance their thesis research will be the preferred sites for such internships. 

Students who choose to take on the summer internship are required to spend at least three hours per week at the internship site for 12 weeks from June 1 to August 31.


A series of courses are offered in the first year of study that are specifically designed to provide a broad, yet deep knowledge of pharmacology. Additional elective courses are also offered. Students are required to complete one elective offered by the program; a second elective may be offered by any GSBS graduate program. All students participate in graduate seminars and a journal club each year.

More information about the curriculum and specific courses can be found in the GSBS Catalog.

Review a typical class schedule.