Associate Dean's Message - September 26, 2022

Check out the opportunities to get involved at GSBS. The Welcome Back Barbecue, hosted by your GSC, is this Thursday (September 29). It's a great way to learn about opportunities.
Sackler building entrance

Dear GSBS,

As we settle into the routine of the academic year, you may find you want to get involved in activities outside of the classroom and lab. A number of new students told me during orientation that they are interested in GSBS’s clubs and organizations, and want to learn more about engaging with the GSBS community. 

The Graduate Student Council will hold their annual Welcome Back Barbecue and Student Club Fair on Thursday (September 29) in Jaharis Courtyard from 4:00-6:00 PM. This is an opportunity for new students to learn about our student organizations, and for all students to expand their horizons by joining these clubs. The current list of organizations is available on the website. If you are interested in starting a new organization, feel free to reach out to me to discuss.

I would also encourage students to become involved in our communities, be that Boston, Medford or Bar Harbor. Individually or as a group, reach out to local organizations and non-profits to volunteer or provide service. Keep an eye out for opportunities posted in The Goods. And be sure to let us know the good work you are doing. 

We have students selected for the Presidential Award for Civic Life nearly every year. I look forward to nominating and honoring more outstanding GSBS students in the years to come.  

Dan Volchok, Associate Dean