Associate Dean's Message - September 20, 2021

GSBS can be more fun and more rewarding if you engage in activities outside the class and the lab. These can help your career development and build your professional skills.
Sackler building entrance

Dear GSBS,

As we settle into the new semester, now is a great time to consider engaging in activities outside of class and lab. Studies have shown that participating in extracurricular activities, particularly in leadership roles, creates a more enjoyable graduate school experience and will aid in professional development and career success.

This week, the Graduate Student Council will hold their annual Activity Fair. Leaders from many of our student clubs and organizations, as well as some other programs, will be present to discuss their goals and missions with students in an informal atmosphere. While this is a great opportunity for all students, I especially encourage first- and second-year students to attend and consider joining one or more organizations. The fair will be held this Wednesday, September 22 from 4:30 – 6pm in the Jaharis Courtyard.

Another way to get involved is to network with other trainees in the Boston area. GSBS has partnered with Boston University and other Boston-area schools in Training Opportunities To Augment Learning (TOTAL). This is a network of professional and career activities for students and postdoctoral researchers across campuses in the region. Through an app, campuses list a variety of speakers, activities and programs that are open to students/postdocs from other campuses. For more information, see Open this page from your phone to download the app and set up an account.

I encourage everyone to engage in organizations, activities and events within GSBS and outside. If you have any questions or suggestions for other engagement activities, feel free to contact me.

Dan Volchok

Associate Dean