Associate Dean's Message - November 15, 2021

As we look forward to Thanksgiving, please stay safe. Best wishes from GSBS.
Sackler building entrance

Dear GSBS,

As we look forward to Thanksgiving next week, I’d like to take a little time to review the past year or so, and be respectful and thankful for all we have be through and achieved. Though it doesn’t need to be repeated, as we have said many times, the past 20 months or so has been like no other. Yet, I believe that we have weathered the storm and are coming out the other side as stronger students, faculty and humans. I am grateful for the resilience everyone as shown as we shut down, reopened and instituted new policies and procedures. Our adherence to our vaccine and mask mandates has been displayed through extremely low positive rates and our ability to operate as “normally” as possible. I am especially grateful for the flexibility demonstrated by our faculty in adjusting to Zoom classes, making accommodations for students, and modifying lab work as necessary.

But more than COVID related issues, we should appreciate the work we all do to make the world a better place. Our research is the foundation for the science of the future. We are providing the opportunity for diverse and under-served populations to explore their interests in science through both our undergrad and post-bac programs, as well as our diverse student body. We reach out to the local community in Chinatown and Boston. And we support each other through friendship, scientific collaborations and personal support.

As you look forward to spending time next week with family and friends, either in person or via Zoom, take a moment to reflect on what we have done, currently do and how we will work to achieve even greater goals in the future. Have a Happy and Healthful Thanksgiving.

Dan Volchok, Associate Dean